Click here to listen to our Serpents and Doves series. 


Alive Student Ministry exists to help middle and high school students (7th-12th grade) FIND & FOLLOW Jesus. 


“But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved.”

That’s what ALIVE is about every time we gather… celebrating what God has done for us through Jesus!

At every ALIVE service, we gather for a time of worship and teaching then break into Life Groups (which are divided up by grade and gender). These groups provide a time for the students to ask questions and intentionally go deeper into God’s Word.

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Sunday Night Schedule

4:30 Middle School Doors Open

5-6:30  Middle School Programming

6:15 High School Doors Open

6:30-7 Dollar Dinner (MS & HS)

7-8:30 High School Programming


We operate under the guidelines of our Child Safety Policy, which was developed with the aim of valuing youth and protecting them from anyone who would want to take advantage of them or hurt them. Our prayer is that these guidelines will provide clear protection for the youth in our care and will serve well the many faithful volunteers who are motivated by the Lord to invest in young hearts. We also trust it will discourage and protect against anyone with ill intent.

We require every Student Ministry volunteer and staff member to go through a screening process. Our Child Safety Screening Process includes seven requirements, with the goal of helping us become familiar with the individuals desiring to serve with our youth.

Serve In Student Ministry

ALIVE Student Ministry’s Leadership Team exists to help middle & high school students Find & Follow Jesus Christ. The main way we do this is through Life Groups, where students have dedicated leaders who travel with them from 7th to 12th grade. Our philosophy of ministry is to KNOW. SHOW. GROW.

KNOW – We want each student to be fully known and know their youth group is where they belong.

SHOW – We want to tangibly and practically prove to students that they matter to us by simply showing them throughout the week that we are here for them outside of Sunday night.

GROW – We believe if we have a healthy relationship with a teenager we can help them grow in their faith journey with Jesus Christ through the exaltation of God’s Word. We are looking for adults who can be committed throughout the school year to lead teenagers into the life-giving presence
of Jesus Christ.


North Hills’ membership for six months (required for those 18 years and older)

Receipt of two references (answering
child-specific questions)

Signing our Child Safety Policy

Completion of a background check

Personal interview with an appropriate ministry leader

Training – including both an online training for general child safety information (required for those 18 years and older) and a North Hills-specific training on our specific policy and our heart related to this topic