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Global Outreach

At North Hills Church we have a specific sense of calling in missions.

People Groups

describe groups of people who share a common language and culture. Some of these groups number in the millions and some are only a few hundred. Most of these people groups have some access to the gospel through churches, Christians, perhaps Christian radio or television.

But for around 40% of these groups (representing a total of more than two billion people) there is no way they will ever hear the good news. In fact, for some of these People Groups there is not one single Christian or one person who has ever heard about Jesus.

We prioritize three goals:

Reach Unreached People Groups

Train Effective Indigenous Leaders

Establish Church Planting Movements

In America, less than 4% of missions spending goes to reach those who have never heard. We feel a special sense of calling to reach those who have never heard.

A church planting movement

This is an indigenously-led, rapidly multiplying expansion of the gospel to know more about North Hill’s philosophy.

Our Focus

We also focus on providing training and other forms of partnership with “indigenous leaders.” “Indigenous” simply means they already live in other places and already know the language and culture of groups we want to reach. We have significant training partnerships in Ethiopia, Colombia, Belarus, and India.

Through these leaders we are seeing hundreds of thousands of people come to Jesus and thousands of new churches established. In many places new churches are beginning at such a rapid rate that they are a “church planting movement.”

Short-Term Mission Trips

International Students & Refugee

Set Free Alliance

Missions Prayer Meeting

On the third Sunday of every month we host a lunch called “Integrate” where you can hear updates from North Hills missionaries, learn more about what God is doing in the world, and pray for the spread of the gospel. This is a great opportunity to discover what’s going on in missions at North Hills and around the world. Please join us!

Lifeline Ministry

Our Lifeline Ministry connects our missionary families with specific members of North Hills for the purpose of mutual encouragement, prayer, and support. If you would like to know more about how you can serve our missionaries in this way, please email Barry Wingo at

To stay updated on North Hills missions’ news and events, sign up here.

Join a Prayer List

Maybe God hasn’t called you to live overseas, but you can make a global impact without leaving Greenville.

Here’s how:

North Hills currently supports thirteen missionary families working on every major continent. Roughly two-thirds of our missionaries serve in closed countries where there is hostility toward the gospel. For this reason, we don’t list their names or photos online.

But just because their picture isn’t online doesn’t mean you can’t know who they are. Our missionaries are working “on the frontlines,” and our church family here in the Upstate plays a vital part in our missionaries’ ministry through encouragement, intercession, and intentional care.
You may not be called to live overseas, but here are some ways you can still be a part of global kingdom-building by caring for our missionaries.